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Terms & Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions  


1. Interpretation  

1. In this Agreement, the following definitions apply:  

“Acceptable Usage Policy” means the usage policy set out at Schedule 2 to this Agreement, which may  be amended by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd from time to time;  

“ Services” means the broadband telecommunications or maintenance service provided by Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd;  

“Commencement Date” means the start date/ connection date specified in the Customer Contract  Form;  

“Confidential Information” means, in relation to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd, information (in  whatever form communicated or recorded) belonging or relating to that party, its business affairs or  activities which is not in the public domain and which: (a) that party has marked as confidential or  proprietary; or (b) has been described as confidential by that party to the Customer (orally or in  writing); or (c) due to its character or nature, a reasonable person in a like position to its recipient  and under like circumstances would treat as confidential;  

“Connection Details” means the password identity and/or account formula including but not limited  to user name and authorisation codes which are given exclusively to the Customer and the Customer’s  connected equipment identity collected from the Customer for the purposes of gaining access to the  Network;  

“Content” means information, video graphics, sound, music, photographs, software and any other  materials (in whatever form) published or otherwise made available on the Internet;  

“Customer” means the person detailed in the Customer Contract Form;  

“Customer Contract Form” means the contract form completed by the Customer to which these Terms  and Conditions are scheduled;  

“Customer Equipment” means any computer hardware, software, cabling or other equipment  provided by the Customer to link to the Network Connection;  

“Extension Period” – ‘’Means a period of 12 Months’’  

“Equipment” means all equipment provided by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd to the Customer to  enable the Customer to access and use the Service, including (without limitation) the Network  Connection and the Subscriber Module; 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



“Fees” means any fee payable to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd under this Agreement; “Intellectual  Property Right” includes all patents, inventions, copyright (including but not limited to all rights in  respect of software), trade marks, database rights, design rights, topography rights, whether or nor  any of these is registered and including any applications for registration of any such rights, know how, confidential information and trade secrets (including designs, processes or products which are  to become or may become the subject of an application as aforesaid) and all rights or forms of  protection of a similar nature of having similar effect to any of these which may exist anywhere in the  world;  

“Line of Sight” means a clear unobstructed view between the Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd  Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd satellite or radio  transmitter/receiver;  

“Network” means that collection of access equipment, computers, special interfaces and  agreements that belong to and are controlled by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd and make up both  the logical and physical connection between the Customer and the information provider;  

“Network Connection” means all Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd cabling, interface panels,  cabinets, systems, apparatus, facilities and any other equipment which may be utilised by  Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd to provide the Service;  

“Quarter” means a calendar quarter, ending on any of 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31  December (but the first Quarter will begin on the Commencement Date and will end on the next  following quarter end date, and the last Quarter will end on expiry of the Term);  

“Service” means the Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd service outlined in relevant section of the  Customer Contract Form;  

“Service Credit” means any amount to be credited against Fees payable by the Customer pursuant to  relevant Clause  

“Setup Fee” means the setup fee specified in relevant section of the Customer Contract Form;  

“Software” means the software provided by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd to enable the Customer  to access or use the Service;  

“Software Licence” means the licence of the Software granted to the Customer pursuant to Clause 4  

“Subscriber Module” means the equipment installed on the premises of the Customer for the purpose  of receiving the Service;  

“Term” means the period beginning on the Commencement Date and ending on the date on which  this Agreement is terminated  

“Transfer Date” means in relation to any Transfer Notice, the date for the making of the transfer as  specified in that Transfer Notice;  

“Transfer Notice” means the written notice specified in Clause 1.9. 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



“Transferee” means Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd or its nominees to whom Ultimate Networks  Scotland Ltd seeks to transfer all or part of its rights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement;  and  

“User Information” means information relating to the Customer as set out in the Customer Contract  Form.  

1. Construction: In this Agreement, unless the contrary intention is stated, a reference to:  1. the singular includes the plural and vice versa;  

2. either gender includes the other;  

3. a person shall be construed as a reference to any individual, firm or company,  corporation, governmental entity or agency of a state or any association or  partnership (whether or not having separate legal personality) or two or more of the  foregoing;  

4. a person includes that person’s legal personal representative, permitted assigns and  successors;  

5. time shall be construed by reference to whatever time may from time to time be in  force in the United Kingdom;  

6. any agreement document or instrument is to the same as amended, novated,  modified, supplemented or replaced from time to time;  

7. a Recital, Clause or Schedule, is a reference to a recital, clause or schedule of this  Agreement;  

8. a statute, by-law, regulation, delegated legislation or order is to the same as amended,  modified or replaced from time to time, and to any by-law, regulation, delegated  legislation or order made thereunder;  

9. ‘month’ means a calendar month to the extent that it falls in the Term;  

10. ‘including’ means comprising, but not by way of limitation of any class, list or category;  

11. ‘writing’ shall include a reference to any electronic mode of representing or  reproducing words in visible form; and  

12. ‘business day’ shall be construed as a reference to a day (other than a Saturday or  Sunday) on which the banks are generally open for business in the United Kingdom.  

2. Ejusdem Generis: This Agreement shall be construed without regard to the rule of  construction known as “ejusdem generis”.  

3. Headings: Headings are to be ignored in the construction of this Agreement. 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



4. This Agreement: References to ‘this Agreement’ shall be include clauses of, and schedules,  appendices, and attachments (if any) to this Agreement and the Customer Contract Form, all  of which shall be read together as one document.  


The Service  

1. Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd shall provide the Customer with the Service upon and in  accordance with the Terms and Conditions with the reasonable skill and care of a competent  Internet service provider. Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd shall provide to the customer no  less than 30% of the customers speed / package unless the customer is being traffic shaped  due to the FUP.  

2. For technical, operational, and commercial reasons, Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd shall  be entitled to vary the Service or any aspect thereof.  

3. The Service is provided using licence exempt spectrum on a non-interference/nonprotected  basis. This means that while the Service is not permitted to cause interference with other  systems, it may not claim protection from interference from other systems operating in  these bands.  


1. If the Customer wishes to cancel an order or cease a Service (unless otherwise specified in the  Service Order Form), the Termination Notice required for each Service is as follows:  


(a) the Customer shall serve the Termination Notice promptly by email to . The email must provide details of:  


● The Service that is being terminated  

● The full address where the Service is provided  

● Where possible, the Customer Account Name.  


Following receipt of a Termination Notice to cancel or cease an order from the Customer, Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd shall endeavour to provide the Customer with receipt of the Termination  Notice within three (3) Business Days and confirm:  


● The details of the Service that is being terminated  

● The last day of the Initial Service Term 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



● Any termination charges payable to cancel or cease the order  


 (b) where the Customer wishes to cease a Service (which is live), the Customer shall serve the  Termination Notice providing not fewer than ninety 30) calendar days’ notice. The response to any  Termination Notice provided by a Customer shall specify the termination charges, if any, payable by  Customer to cancel the order or cease the relevant Service. For the avoidance of doubt, the cease  charges post the Initial Service Term, or subsequent Extension Periods, shall only be charges in  respect of non-return of Goods, where applicable.  


If Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd wishes to cancel an order or cease a Service it must serve a  Termination Notice on the Customer. Unless otherwise specified in the Service Order Form, the  Termination Notice required for each Service is not less than ninety (30) calendar days. The  Termination Notice shall specify the termination charges, if any, payable by Customer in respect of  the relevant Service. Termination of the Service will take effect on expiry of the Termination Notice.  


2.0 If no Termination Notice has been served by either party in accordance with clauses 1.9, then  the Service Period will automatically extend for a further Extension Period (This shall be extended  each renewal year unless a min of 30 days notice to terminate the contract is given prior to the  customers renewal date.)  


2.1 Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd obligations  

In consideration of the performance by the Customer of its obligations under this Agreement Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd agrees:  

1. to provide the Service to the Customer;  

2. to provide the Software to the Customer; and  

3. to install the Equipment at the Customer’s premises.  


The Customers obligations  

The Customer undertakes with Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd that it shall:  

1. use the Service and the Equipment in accordance with the Fair Access policy (FAP) Acceptable  Usage Policy (AUP); for domestic users and for business customers as stated in their Customer  Contract Form. 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



2. procure that all persons having access to the Service and the Equipment comply with the  Terms and Conditions and Fair Access policy (FAP) and/or Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP);  

3. provide Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd with true, accurate, complete and current User  Information, and notify Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd of any changes to the User  Information;  

4. obtain all necessary consents, including consents to install and connect all necessary  equipment and for any necessary alterations to buildings to enable the installation and use  of the Equipment;  

5. provide suitable accommodation, foundations and environment including all necessary  trunking, conduits and cable trays in accordance with the relevant installation standards;  

6. take up or remove, any fitted or fixed floor coverings, ceiling tiles, suspended ceiling and  partition covers, as Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd advises are necessary, and carry out  afterwards any making good or decorator's work required;  

7. provide as suitable and safe working environment at the Customer’s premises for Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd, its servants, employees and agents;  

8. provide all appropriate support for the Service to include but not to be limited to appropriate  electricity supply together with a detailed map marking the position where the Equipment is  to be installed and ensure that the Equipment which is used does not damage or interfere  with any other services;  

9. inform Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd in advance of any existing facilities (where  appropriate) which would run the risk of being damaged during the installation of the  Network Connection and the provision of the Service;  

10. procure that the Network Connection is housed in accordance with Ultimate Networks  Scotland Ltd instructions;  

11. permit access to any Site, to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd, its employees, servants or  agents, to enable Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd to carry out its obligations under this  Agreement, and/or to inspect, repair, maintain, test or remove the Network Connection or  the Equipment or any part thereof;  

12. not create or permit any charges, pledges, liens or encumbrances to subsist over the Network  Connection, all right, title and interest in which shall remain vested in Ultimate Networks  Scotland Ltd; and  

13. not allow the Network Connection to be serviced or repaired, or otherwise interfered with  other than by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd, its employees, servants or agents. 2.2 fees  

Setup fee: The Customer shall pay Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd a Setup Fee and /or installations  and /or connection fees as outlined in the Customer Contract Form 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



Ongoing fees: The Customer shall pay Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd monthly charge of an amount  in sterling as set out in relevant section of Customer Contract Form.  

Variation of fees: Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may alter the Fees from time to time by notice in  writing to the Customer within a reasonable period in advance of the effective date of such change.  

Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd reserves the right to charge the Customer an installation charge  depending on level of difficulty of physical installation of the Subscriber Module. In the event that  such a charge is to be levied, that fact will be identified during a visit to the site by a representative  of Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd prior to the installation visit.  

Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd reserve the right to charge the Customer a Disconnection fee of £75.  This may be waivered at Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd discretion depending on length of customers  contract. Customers shall pay Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd the full length of the contract should  they choose to terminate the contract early. The disconnection fee of £75.00 for residential and £95.00  for business will be an additional charge to the customer.  

1. Payment terms  

Fees accrued under this Agreement:  

1. Payment’s shall be paid by the Customer to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd upon signature  of this Agreement; and  

2. shall be paid by the Customer to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd monthly in advance.  

Each amount stated to be payable by the Customer to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd under this  Agreement:  

1. currency: shall be paid in United Kingdom pounds sterling;  

2. method: shall be paid by direct debit, standing order or automated card payment to such  bank account of Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd as it may specify in writing to the Customer  from time to time, or in such other manner as Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may from  time to time stipulate in writing;  

3. VAT: is exclusive of value added tax and, accordingly, is to be construed as a reference to that  amount plus any value added tax payable in respect of it; and any such value added tax shall  be paid by the Customer to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd in addition to the amount in  question upon presentation by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd to the Customer of an  invoice for the amount in question together with the applicable value added tax, with the  latter shown as a separate figure;  

4. free and clear: shall be paid without set-off or counterclaim, and free and clear of, and  without deduction or withholding for or on account of, any taxes unless the Customer is  required by law to make a deduction or withholding for or on account of taxes, and if any  withholding is so required, the Customer shall pay to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd an  additional amount such that after deduction of all amounts required to be withheld, the net 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



amount actually received by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd will equal the amount which  Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd would have received if the relevant withholding had not  been required.  

Late Payment Fee: If the customer fails to pay Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd the full amount  payable to it under the agreement on the due date (1st of every month) and the account is suspended  due to none payment, then a one-off fixed reconnection fee of £10 will automatically be applied to  your account. A late payment fee will be applied on every occasion that a late payment occurs,  resulting in the services being suspended. If we need to attend the property to reconnect due to non  payment etc the customer will be charged a £65 call out plus parts if required. 

Failed Direct Debit Fee: A fixed £10 administration fee will be applied to your account automatically  if your monthly Direct Debit Fails, this includes changing bank account without notifying Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd in advance, insufficient funds available, or cancellation by the account holder  prior to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd submitting for the amount due.  

Customers who require a site visit due to changes being made to the kit by the customer will  be charged a £65 call out plus parts if required example- Cable's removal, kit and or router reset,  any changes made by the customer after the original installation. 

Guarantee: Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may, from time to time, require the Customer to pay a  deposit or provide a guarantee as security for payment of the Fees.  

Except in the case of manifest error by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd, all Fees shall be calculated by  reference to the data recorded or logged by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd.  

1. Equipment  

1. All right, title and interest in the Equipment remains vested in Ultimate Networks  Scotland Ltd.  

2. The Customer shall be responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of the  Equipment and shall indemnify Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd on demand with  respect to all costs for the replacement and/or repair of any Equipment that is lost,  damaged (fair wear and tear excepted) or destroyed. The Equipment automatically  becomes the customers after the contract has ended and therefore the responsibility  of the customer to remove should they wish.  

2. Software Licence  

1. Grant: In consideration of the performance by the Customer of its obligations under  this Agreement, Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd grants to the Customer for the Term  and subject to the provisions of this Agreement, a non-exclusive, non transferable  licence to use the Software for the sole purpose accessing and using the Service. 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



2. No Other Licence: It is acknowledged and agreed that no licence under the Software  is granted by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd to the Customer other than that  expressly granted by the provisions.  

3. Except to the extent required by mandatory operation of law, the Customer shall not attempt  to create or recreate any source program of the Software or any program used by Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd in the provision of the Service nor shall it attempt or permit the reverse  compilation or assembly of any part of the Software.  

3. Warranty and Liability  

1. Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd warrants that it has the right to license the Service  and the Software in accordance with the terms of this Agreement without infringing  the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.  

2. Except for conditions, warranties and representations expressly stated in this  Agreement or which by law may not be excluded, all express or implied conditions,  warranties and representations howsoever arising are hereby expressly excluded.  

3. Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd does not undertake to provide a fault-free Service.  Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd shall use its reasonable endeavours to remedy any  faults which significantly impair performance in so far as the same may be attributable  to any aspect of the Service.  

4. Line of Sight is required to provide the Service. Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd shall  not be liable for any obstructions to the Line of Sight that are beyond the control of  Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd.  

5. No Liability for Consequential Loss: Neither party shall be liable in contract, tort or  otherwise howsoever for any of the following losses or damage (whether or not such  loss or damage was foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of revenue  (other than the Fees), (b) loss of actual or anticipated profits, (c) loss of contracts, (d)  loss of the use of money, (e) loss of anticipated savings, (f) loss of business, (g) loss of  opportunity, (h) loss of goodwill, (i) loss of reputation, (j) loss of, damage to or  corruption of data, or (k) any indirect or consequential loss howsoever caused  (including, for the avoidance of doubt, whether such loss or damage is of a type  specified in sub-clauses (a) to (j) above) whether arising out of, or in connection with,  or in relation to the Service or the supply or non-supply or purported supply or delay  in supply of the Service or otherwise out of or in connection with or in relation to this  Agreement or any transaction or matter contemplated by it.  

6. Customer Indemnity: The Customer agrees to indemnify, and keep indemnified,  Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd on demand against and from all liabilities costs, fees,  expenses and losses suffered by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd as a result of a breach  by the Customer of its obligations under this Agreement. 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



4. Suspension of the service  

1. Without prejudice to its rights Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may suspend the  Service if the Customer is in breach of this Agreement and has failed to remedy that  breach within ten (10) days of being notified in writing of that breach by Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd. The Service shall remain suspended pending remedy by the  Customer of its breaches under this Agreement to the satisfaction of Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd.  

2. Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may suspend the Service in any of the following  circumstances:  

1. where it is obliged to immediately suspend the Service in connection with  any order, instruction or request of any government, governmental or  regulatory organisation, emergency services or other competent authority;  

2. in connection with the maintenance or upgrade of the Network. Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd will use all reasonable efforts to provide the  

Customer with the maximum period of notice practicable; or  

3. where it considers that there is or is likely to be a breach of security anywhere  on the Network.  

5. Non Applicable  


1. Force Majeure  

Neither party shall be liable for failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this  Agreement (other than a payment obligation on the part of the Customer under this Agreement) to  the extent that such failure or delay is caused by matters beyond that party’s reasonable control  including but not limited to destruction arising out of war, rebellion, civil commotion, strikes, lockouts  and industrial disputes, fire, explosion, earthquake and/or other seismic activity, acts of God, flood,  drought or bad weather, the unavailability or other media or other acts or orders of any government  department, council or other constituted body. If performance of a material obligation under this  Agreement is prevented by any such event or circumstance for a continuous period of 45 days or  more, then the party in whose for whose benefit the affected obligation would have been performed  shall be entitled, by the giving of notice in writing to the other party, immediately to terminate this  Agreement.  

1. Term and Termination  

Initial Period: Customer may cease a Service, to take effect on the last day of the Initial Service  Term or the last day of an Extension Period by following the process set out in clause 1.9 (a) or 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



(b). Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may cease a Service, to take effect on the last day of the Initial  Service Term or the last day of an Extension Period by following the process set out in clause 1.9 (a)  or (b).  

Upon expiry of the Initial Service Term of a Service, if no Termination Notice has been served by either  party in accordance with clauses 1.9 (a) or (b), then the Service Period will automatically extend for a  further Extension Period of 12 months.  


Cooling off period: A contract will be treated as terminated if a customer sends written notice of  cancellation during the 14-day cooling off period. This means that a notice of cancellation sent at  any time during this period and including the 14th day.  

The cooling off period starts from the day of installation. Day 1 of the 14-day cooling off period is the  day after the contract is entered into and ends at on the 14th day at close of business. All equipment  remains property of Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd.  


Term following initial period: Following the initial period described this Agreement will continue in  full force and effect for successive periods of 12 months each (each a "renewal period") until  terminated or a disconnection fee is payable. The customer may enter into a new contract during  this period should a special offer be available, the contract renewal date shall then depend on this  new date and be confirmed by a renewal form.  


Early termination by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd: Without prejudice to any other remedies  Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may have against the Customer, Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd  may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect, or with effect from such date specified in any  notice, by the giving of notice to that effect to the Customer where:  

1. non-payment: the Customer fails to make any payment due from it to the Unit Franchise under  this Agreement within ten business days of the due date;  

2. breach: the Customer breaches or is in breach of any provision of this Agreement and, if  capable of remedy, fails to remedy that breach within 30 days of being notified of the breach  by Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd;  

3. incorrect User Information: if the Customer provides incorrect or false User Information; or  

4. insolvency event: the Customer is, or is deemed for the purposes of any relevant law to be,  unable to pay its debts as they fall due or to be insolvent, or admits inability to pay its debts  as they fall due; or suspends making payments on all or any class of its debts or announces an  intention to do so, or a moratorium is declared in respect of any of its indebtedness; or any 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



step (including the making of any proposal, the convening of any meeting, the passing of any  resolution, the presenting of any petition or the making of any order) is taken with a view to  a composition, assignment or arrangement with any creditors of, or the liquidation or  dissolution of, that party; or any liquidator, trustee in bankruptcy, judicial custodian,  compulsory manager, receiver, administrator, examiner or similar officer is appointed to or in  respect of that party or any of its assets.  

1. Consequences of termination: Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason:  

1. suspension of the Service: Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may suspend the Service  forthwith without further notice;  

2. payment of outstanding Fees: all Fees due to Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd shall  become immediately payable;  

3. return of Confidential Information: the Customer shall, at the request of Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd, deliver promptly to Ultimate Networks  

Scotland Ltd all Confidential Information in its possession or control;  

4. termination of licence: the Software Licence shall terminate;  

5. return of Equipment the Customer shall cease to use the Equipment and shall return  the Equipment together with all related materials certifying in writing to Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd that this has been done. The Customer shall permit Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd (or its servants or agents) to enter any of the Customers  premises where the Equipment is in use to ensure that the provisions of this have  been fully performed; and  

6. return of Software: the Customer shall cease to use the Software and shall at Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd option return or destroy the Software and any materials or  documentation relating to the Service together with all copies and all related  materials (including, without limitation any CD’s or tapes or information in electronic  format which were delivered to the Customer) certifying in writing to Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd that this has been done. The Customer shall permit Ultimate  Networks Scotland Ltd (or its servants or agents) to enter any of the Customers  premises where the Software is in use to ensure that the provisions of this have been  fully performed.  

7. Continuing Obligations: The provisions shall remain in force and be fully applicable in  all circumstances in accordance with their terms and in particular shall not be  discharged or affected by any breach or repudiation of this Agreement in each case  whatever its nature or howsoever caused or arising or by any other matter,  circumstance or thing whatsoever.  

1. Confidentiality  

1. Keep confidential: The Customer undertakes to treat as and keep confidential all 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



Confidential Information and shall not, without the prior written consent of  

Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd, use, disclose, copy or modify the Confidential  Information other than as necessary for the exercise of its rights, and performance  of its obligations, under this Agreement.  

2. Notify misuse: The Customer shall notify Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd of any  unauthorised use, disclosure, theft or other loss of the Confidential Information  promptly upon becoming aware of it.  

1. information shall not be deemed to be in the public domain, merely because  its known to a limited number of third parties having experience in the  relevant field; and  

2. any combination of elements of information shall not be deemed to be in the  public domain, merely because individual elements of that combination are  in the public domain.  

3. Mandatory Disclosure: If the Customer is required by law or by any order of  any court or governmental or regulatory authority to disclose the  Confidential Information, it shall promptly notify that Ultimate Networks  Scotland Ltd of receipt of notice of that requirement and, at the request and  cost of Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd will assist it in opposing any such  disclosure.  

2. Assignment  

1. The Customer may not assign, sublicense or transfer (whether voluntarily or  involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise) or create or permit to exist any right,  title or interest (including, without limitation, any security interest and any beneficial  interest under any trust) in, to or under, any of its rights under this Agreement.  

2. Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd may at any time transfer all or any of its rights,  benefits and obligations under this Agreement to a Transferee by notice in writing to  the Customer (“Transfer Notice”) in which event, on the date specified in such  Transfer Notice:  

1. to the extent that in such notice Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd seeks to  transfer its rights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement, the  Customer and Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd shall be released from further  obligations towards one another under this Agreement and their respective  rights to one another shall be cancelled;  

2. the Customer and the Transferee shall assume obligations towards one  another and/or acquire rights against one another which differ from such  discharged rights and obligations only insofar as the Customer and the  

Transferee have assumed and/or acquired the same in place of the 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



3. General  

Customer and Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd; and  3. the Transferee shall become a party to this Agreement.  

1. Further Assurance: Each party agrees to execute, acknowledge and deliver such  further instruments, and do all further similar acts, as may be necessary or  appropriate to carry out the purposes and intent of this Agreement.  

2. No Partnership or Agency: Nothing in this Agreement shall create, or be deemed to  create, a partnership, joint venture, or the relationship of principal and agent,  between the parties, and neither of the parties shall have any right or authority to  act on behalf of the other or to bind the other in any way.  

3. Notices: All notices under, or in connection with, this Agreement will, unless  otherwise stated, be given in writing by letter or by facsimile. Any such notice is  deemed effectively to be given as follows:  

1. if by letter, 72 hours after posting;  

2. if by facsimile, upon receipt by the transmitting party of a transmission report  confirming successful transmission of all pages comprised in the notice in  question;  

and the address, facsimile and telephone numbers of the parties for the purpose of the giving of  notices under this Agreement those set out in Customer Contract Form or such other details which  either party may notify to the other in accordance with this provision from time to time.  

1. Severability: If a provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in  any jurisdiction, that will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of  any other provision of this Agreement; or the legality, validity or enforceability in any other  jurisdiction of that or any other provision of this Agreement.  

2. Entire Agreement:  

1. This Agreement, the Customer Contract Form and the Acceptable Usage Policy  contain the sole and entire agreement between the parties in relation to its subject  matter, and supersedes all prior written and oral arrangements, understandings,  representations, warranties, and agreements between them in that regard (if any).  

2. Each party acknowledges that it is not relying, and will not seek to rely, on any  arrangement, understanding, representation, warranty, agreement, term, or  condition which is not expressly set out in this Agreement.  

3. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing shall be construed as excluding liability for fraud  or liability for death or injury caused by the negligence of either party. 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  



3. Waivers, Rights Cumulative: Each of the rights of each party under this Agreement may be  exercised as often as is necessary, is cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights which  that party may have under this Agreement, law or otherwise; and may be waived only in  writing and specifically. Delay by a party in exercising, or the non-exercise by a party of, any  such right will not constitute a waiver of that right.  

1. Law and Jurisdiction  

1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of  Scotland & England.  

2. The courts of Scotland & England shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes  arising between the parties in connection with this Agreement.  


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schedule 2  

The Fair Access policy (FAP) Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP); for domestic users and for business  customers can be obtainable via Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd web site or by writing to  Ultimate Networks Scotland Ltd at the registered address. 

Vat Registration Number – 465726757 Company Registration Number – SC799251  

Registered Office:- Dumyat, Blairlogie,Stirling,FK9 5QF  

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